Road Safety Club–ABV Government College Bangana

Overview:  The Road Safety Club at ABV Government College Bangana is dedicated to promoting road safety awareness and practices among students and the local community. Established with the aim of reducing road accidents and fostering aculture of safe driving, the club engages in various educational and practical activities.


• To educate students and the community about road safety rules and regulations.

• To organize workshops,seminars,and campaigns on road safety.

• To collaborate with local authorities and organizations to enhance road safety measures.

• To encourage students to participate in road safety initiatives and volunteer programs.


• Special Lecture and Seminars: Regular sessions with experts on to pics such as defensive driving, first aid, and traffic laws.

Awareness Campaigns:Organizing events like Road Safety Week,poster competitions,Slogan writing and Quiz competitions to spread awareness.

• Rally:Once a month,members of Road Safety organize a rally in theBangana main market and appeal to the public to follow the rules of Road Safety

• Street plays Road Safety Club organizes street plays related to road safety in and out side the college so that more and more people can be made aware of road safety

Membership:Membership is open to all students of Government College Bangana. Interested students can join by filling out a membership form available at the club office .

Prof. Sikander Negi

Coordinator RoadSafetyClub

ABV GDC Bangana