National Service Scheme (NSS) - ABV Government Degree College Bangana

Overview: The National Service Scheme(NSS)at ABV Government Degree College Bangana is a vibrant and active unit dedicated to community service and social development. The NSS unit aims to instill a sense of social responsibility, leadership, and community engagement among students through various service-oriented activities.


 To develop a sense of social and civic responsibility among students.

 To provide students with opportunities to engage in community service and contribute to societal development.

 To enhance students & rsquo;skills in organizing and managing community service projects.

 To foster a spirit of team work and collaboration among students.


Community Service Projects:Organizingandparticipatinginprojectssuchascleanliness drives, tree plantation, blood donation camps, and health awareness programs.

AwarenessCampaigns:Conductingcampaignsonimportantsocialissueslikeroadsafety,drug addictionprevention,cybercrime,womenempowermentenvironmentalconservation,andpublic health.

Workshops and Seminars:Hostingworkshopsandseminarsontopicsrelatedtosocialservice, leadership, and community development.

Special Camps:Organizingspecialcampsinruralareastoaddresslocalissuesandpromote sustainable development.

Membership: Membership is open to all students of ABV Government Degree College Bangana. Interested students can join by filling out a membership form available at the NSS office.


The NSS unit has been recognized for its outstanding contributions to communityserviceandhasreceivedseveralaccoladesforitsinitiatives.Studentshaveactively participated in various state and national level NSS events, showcasing their commitment to social causes

 National Service Scheme volunteer Rishabh Chaudhary was selected for the highest award of National Service Scheme and honored by His Excellency the President on 29 September 2023. This is a matter of pride not only for our college but for the entire Himachal. The college created history by receiving this award. National Service Scheme Award is given with the aim of promoting national service in India. This award is given to encourage or acknowledge the contribution of NSS volunteer and who has done excellent work and any special contribution in social work.

 NSS volunteer Neelam participated in North zone Pre Republic Day at Chandigarh from25 October 2023 to 3 November 2023.

 Two NSS volunteers of the college Vishal Soni and Kamna participated in the National Integration Camp from 7 January 2023 to 14 January 2023 in Raipur.

 Twovolunteersofthecollege TikshanandPallaviThakurparticipated intheNational Integration Camp from 14 February 21 February 2023 in Punjab University.

 TwovolunteersofthecollegeVishalSoniandKamnaparticipatedintheStateLevelMega Camp from 18 to 25 December 2024 at Government College Banjar, District Kullu.


Prof. Sikander Negi


ABV GDC Bangana