Music, commonly understood as the art of organizing sound to produce harmony, melody, and rhythm, encompasses musical composition, improvisation, and performance. Its therapeutic effects are renowned, offering relief from life's anxieties and stresses. Music therapy, involving activities like singing, instrument-playing, and song creation, can aid in healing. The Department of Music (Inst.) provides a BA (pass course) in Music within the choice-based credit system (CBCS). This program includes core and elective courses, skill enhancement modules, and generic elective options, aiming to equip students with fundamental music knowledge, communication skills, and technical proficiency essential for future musicians. Additionally, it prepares them for careers, fostering teamwork, self-management, and a commitment to societal contribution. Students from the Music department actively engage in diverse cultural activities, showcasing their immense talent and representing the college on various platforms.

Anu Attri

Music (INST)


Associate Professor