Rovers and Rangers


Rovers and Rangers is totally a voluntary, voluntary, non-political political educational educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed, inaccordance with the purpose, principles andmethod conceived by the Founder Lord Baden Powell in 1907.

In the current session 2024-25, it has total 32 students in the club, of which there are 20 rangers and 12 rovers.


The purpose of the unit is to contribute to thedevelopment of the students in rural area whichincludes physical, intellectual, emotional, socialand spiritual potentials as individuals, asresponsible responsible citizen citizen of the India, with Principles.

Duty to God

Duty to Country

Duty to Others

Duty to self Scout Oath:

On my honor -

I will do my best to do my duty to God and my countryand to obey the Scout Law;

-to help other people at all times;

-to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, andmorally straight.

Scout Sign

The Scout sign identifies one as a Scout anywhere in the world. The sign is given at the time of Investiture and at the time of renewal of the Scout Promise. The hand is still held palm facing out, and the thumb holding the little finger, but the hand is held at the shoulder The three upraised fingers stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath. The thumb and little finger together stand for the bond between all Scouts.

Scout Salute

The three-finger salute is used by members of Scout and Guide organizations around the world when greeting other Scouts and in respect of a national flag at ceremonies. In most situations, the salute is made with the palm face out, the thumb holding down the little finger, and with the fingertips on the brow of the head. Scout Salute is an expression of mutual esteem and good-will. It is a mark of respect and good manners. It is the privilege and not a service act. It is an outward expression of the spirit of discipline and respect for the other.

Left-handed Scout Handshake

The left-handed Scout handshake is aformal way of greeting other Scouts ofboth genders used by members of Scoutand Guide organizations around theworld when greeting greeting other Scouts. Thehandshake is made with the hand nearestthe heart and is offered as a token offriendship. In most situations, thehandshake is made firmly, withoutinterlocking fingers, and manyorganizations only use this handshakewhen both people are in uniform.